Prior martial arts experience is not required. You simply need to be an adult, over 18, with good character, good attitude and a desire to train.
Private lessons typically run $50 an hour. Your tryout lesson costs less than 1/2 that rate. This gives you the opportunity to meet the instructor and vice versa. You have time to ask questions and get a feeling for the training and the teaching methods. If you decide to pursue training, your initial fee will be deducted from the first month of training. The monthly rate is less than 1/2 the 1:1 hourly rate, and is paid by noon on the first of each month. If you begin training, you simply have to verbally commit to trying it for 2 months. You do not need to pre-pay. Your word should be enough.
You don’t need to purchase any uniform or equipment. A practice stick will be provided to you. You are welcome to wear comfortable workout clothes
We are not a commercial dojo. No juice bar, sauna or workout room. It’s a garage converted to our workout space.
Prior to the pandemic, we held regular classes in Mint Hill through an MMA gym.
Our school is undergoing some exciting physical changes, including a private entrance with a door code, painting and a new floor covering. But it is still a garage.
The garage has multiple fans and both AC and heat for safety and comfort.
There are 6 primary levels in Taboada system. When you and your instructor feel that you’re ready to pursue a level test, you’ll be brought to the Grandmaster for a “check-up.” After the checkup, we’ll schedule a day and time for testing. Level 1-5 tests are $50 per test, and a certificate is provided if you successfully pass. Level 6 typically only takes place at a larger seminar, such as our annual World Camp. This level is more expensive, and confirms your dedication and practice of the art. Whether or not you pursue level 7, which qualifies you as Instructor level, is up to you.
Yes. Training is individualized. For safety, you must disclose any physical limitations or risks to your instructor. In this manner, they can work to keep you safe throughout your training. But this is still a martial art and a physical pursuit. So you must understand and agree to the possibility of naturally occurring challenges, injuries, etc.
Treat each session like a Doctor’s appointment. Your teacher is reserving this time for your training. This reservation also limits another student’s opportunity to train at that time.
So please provide 24 hours minimum notice for cancellations. True emergencies, such as hospitalization are understandable. Your teacher will make every effort to provide a makeup class. If you need to cancel, please come up with 2-3 makeup days/times to assist this process.