FQI Tom Cohen

Tom is fortunate to have been a direct student of Grandmaster Taboada. 
He continues to train with Grandmaster to become a better student,
practitioner and teacher.  Because he lives in close proximity, he
enjoys training weekly or more directly with the GM.

Tom is an Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist. He has been training, consistently, for around 30 years.  As part of his Acupuncture training, he spent 4 years practicing the Man Ching Yang Style short form of Tai Chi.  He has also spent time training Systema under Instructor Mark Jacabscin.  His ranks and teachers are as follows:

  • Sandan in Aikido (Started under Raeford Bustle Sensei, Shodan under Sensei Jack Mumpower, Sandan under Karl Geis)
  • Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai – Sandan under Soshi Seigo Okamoto
  • Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Ginjukai – Training under Sensei Howard Popkin and Sensei Joe Brogna
  • FQI (Full Qualified Instructor) Balintawak Eskrima Cuentada under Grandmaster Bobby Taboada

After his FQI test with his first COA (Completion of the Art) student, Omar Cury, 2018.

COA (Completion of the Art)

The “Completion of the Art” is a rare achievement.  These students have passed level tests for Levels 1-6.  Whether or not they go on to teach, they are able to assist the FQI (Full Qualified Instructor) in teaching the basic curriculum.  Similar to the concept of a “black belt” this title signifies that they are a serious “beginner.” If they opt to pursue their FQI test, they may privately teach students according to the rules and regulations of Balintawak Eskrima Cuentada.  This is done under the guidance of their FQI.

Click below for a list of former and current BRB Completion of the Art members.